2016/17 House League Season is Around the Corner - IMPORTANT INFORMATION, News (Newmarket Minor Hockey)

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Jul 27, 2016 | Dan Levesque | 1567 views
2016/17 House League Season is Around the Corner - IMPORTANT INFORMATION
2016/17 House League preparations are in full Swing!    

We are busy preparing for the upcoming Season, Our 60th Anniversary! In this post is some important information about the upcoming Season.  

This year we will also be looking at incorporating our House League with the annual Home @ Home weekend between Newmarket & Aurora.  Details will follow as we are working with Aurora on making this happen.


We are still in the process of confirming ice availability with the Town of Newmarket.  For the most part the schedules for the divisions will be similar to last season, however there will be earlier starts at Magna this season for the younger divisions.  The final schedule will be communicated via the website, Coaches and Convenors prior to the start of the season.

Tentatively here are some key dates (to be confirmed in August):

Weekend of/Week Beginning

August 29                                        HL Convenors Meeting

August 29                                        HL Coaches Meeting

September 10                                  Rostered Select Try-outs

September 10                                  Coach 2 Clinic - Newmarket

September 17                                  Tyke/Novice Evaluations Skates

September 24                                  Start of Regular Season

November 6/13                                Pictures (All HL, Select & Rep)

October 22                                       Home @ Home with Aurora

April 1                                             Championship Weekend



Probably one of the most important and fulfilling roles to ensure a successful season!  We need Convenors in the following divisions:

o   Minor Atom

o   Peewee

o   Minor Bantam

o   Bantam

o   Minor Midget

o   Midget/Juvenile


The Minor Midget and Midget/Juvenile Divisions play twice per week and Convenors are expected to attend all games.  The Convenor Role can be split between 2 people as long as both are committed.

For a comprehensive list of Convenor responsibilities please go to http://nmha.ca and click on House League then Convenor Responsibilities.     


If you are interested in being a Convenor please contact the following:


Junior Divisions (Mini-Tyke through Atom) – Clarence Robinson, HL Alternate at [email protected]  

Senior Divisions (Minor PW through Midget/Juvenile) – Dan Levesque, VP, House League at [email protected]      


Remember, the season cannot start for a division unless a Convenor is in place!


Head Coaches/Team Officials


We are in need of Head Coaches in all divisions.  Successful Coaches will be notified in early August once we have determined the team count in each division.


Please click 2016/17 OMHA Team Official Requirements  to see what certifications you require to be a head coach, assistant coach or trainer.


Head Coaches will be responsible to choose their bench staff.  At a minimum all teams must have at least one certified coach and one certified trainer on the bench to play.

If you are interested in being a Head Coach, please go to  NMHA and complete the coaches application form.


ALL Team Officials must also have the “Respect-in-Sport, Activity Leader” certification and a valid Police Vulnerable Sector Screening check in addition to the OMHA certifications.

Major Tyke


Major Tyke will be moving to National Training Rinks – Research has shown that kids in this age group develop their skills better on cross ice or a smaller ice surface.  For example, players touch the puck more and get many more shots on net.  The NMHA executive has discussed and felt it was important to focus on this increased skill development at a younger age.  For more information on this research please watch this informative video from USA Hockey


Team Counts


Team counts will be determined the first week of August once registration closes on July 31, 2016.  The is a definite possibility that divisions may be combined this season.  For example Minor and Major Peewee may be combined to form a Peewee division with 8 or 10 full roster teams.

Rostered Select

We will again have Rostered Select after the successful inaugural season we had last year.  Based on ice availability and other factors we will again have 5 teams: Tyke, Novice, Atom, Bantam & Peewee. 

Schedules are being finalized, however I would anticipate try-outs will occur in beginning to mid-September prior to the House league Draft.  This is to ensure all Rostered Select players are evenly distributed amongst the House League teams.  Stay tuned to the NMHA website for more information as we get closer to September.

We are also looking for Rostered Select Head Coaches at all of the levels.  If you are interested in coaching a Rostered Select Team please send your details directly to [email protected] no later than August 12, 2016.


Changes to the Draft Process


There is a significant change to the draft process for the 2016/17 season.  Based on feedback from our members, effective this season, Head Coaches will not take part in the draft.  Once the coaches are assigned, the draft will be conducted by the Convenor, Alternate VP of House League and the VP of House League.  Once drafts are complete coaches will be sent their team list for contacting their players.  The process will be as follows:


1.    Head Coach Assigned by Association

2.    Head Coach can protect a maximum of three (3) players (including their own child, Assistant Coach child, Trainer child, Sponsor child, etc.)

3.    Head Coach will submit protected list to the Vice-President, House League

4.    Blind Draft will be conducted for each division keeping in mind player ratings, protected players, those playing Rostered Select and Player special requests.

5.    Final team list will be sent to Head Coach



If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Dan Levesque, Vice-President, House League at [email protected]


We are looking forward to a great 60th Season of Hockey in Newmarket!
