Rep Hockey Age Exemption Policy
(Revised August 17, 2021)
As per OMHA policy, any NMHA players wishing to play-up one age group, will be allowed to tryout providing
the following criteria are met:
• Player must purchase two tryout passports; one for their own age group & one for the age above
• Player may only tryout for the ‘AA’ team at the age above
• Player must attend the first ‘AA’ tryout for HL/AE/MD players at the age above
• Player must attend tryouts for his own age group, as well as the age above (if schedule allows)
• Player must be ranked in ‘Top 3’ players of the ‘AA’ team at the age above by the head coach, as well
as all evaluators, in order to be considered for a spot on the team
• Goaltender must be ranked as the ‘Number 1’ goalie of the ‘AA’ team at the age above by the head
coach, as well as all evaluators, in order to be considered for a spot on the team
• If, following the first ‘AA’ tryout, the player/goaltender is considered by all evaluators to be in the ‘Top
3 (player)’ or ‘Number 1 (goaltender)’ on the team above, then an independent NMHA-appointed
evaluator (with no conflicts in the age group) will take part in the remaining ‘AA’ tryouts to confirm the
‘Top 3 (player)’ or ‘Number 1 (goaltender)’ position
• Parents must sign the NMHA Risk Acknowledgement and Liability Waiver for Players Requesting to
Play-up in order to participate in tryouts at the age above
Players eight (8) years of age and under wanting to play at an age above must follow the OHF Playing Up for
Players 8 and Under Policy