Oct 24, 2020 | Kaneesha Gunanathan | 1550 views
Update - Programming Return - A message to our members
Hello NMHA Players, Families & Members,
Beginning Monday October 26th, the
NMHA will resume our on ice program for
certain divisions.
We have now added Tier 2 U14/15
The NMHA executive, our NMHA scheduler
and the Town of Newmarket, have worked
incredibly hard over the past week to bring
back a version of hockey that falls within the
guidelines of York Regions modified Stage 2 &
Provincial Order.
After our brief pause announced October 19th, we are happy to announce a return for our
players to the ice.
As you know, hockey was not named in any closures. However, it is affected with the number
of participants on the ice at any time. Along with a coach and trainer, we can only have
8 players on the ice at any given time.
It also means that we are prohibited from any games or scrimmages until we are returned back into Stage 3 as per the Provincial Order in place. Players will be practicing during their 50 minute ice session, once per week, during this modified plan (no games or scrimmages are permitted at this time).
Unfortunately at this time due to logistics, the following divisions not participating in this modified format and those who will remain on a pause until we return to Stage 3 are: Tier 2 ~ U7, U8, U16-U17 & U18-U21.
In order to facilitate the requirements, there will be a number of new ‘teams’ created or some modified. Look for communication this weekend from the coaches, advising of who your new temporary team is and when your ice session will be weekly. Once we have entered back into Stage 3, everyone will return to their original bubble teams so that we can begin game play.
All pre-screening policies will remain in place, the coach or trainer will review if there are any changes before you go on the ice. Entry and exit protocols will be the same as well for each ice pad. There will be no parents permitted in the arena, for any age group.
We ask everyone to please be patient while we continually work on this ever-changing situation for the remainder of the 28-day order.
Go Renegades Go!!
~ NMHA Executive