Sep 06, 2022 | Rob Grech | 604 views
U9 MD Clarification
To all U9 Parents...for clarification of the U9 'MD' program for the 2022-23 season. The NMHA intends to ice two teams this season in the U9 'MD' age group. Ultimately this will be determined based on the number of players that purchase tryout passports and attend...
The York-Simcoe Minor Hockey League (YSMHL) plans to organize two separate U9 ‘MD’ tiers of play this season (similar to ‘AA’ & ‘A’ levels in the past). The U9 'MD' White team will compete in YSMHL Tier 1, while the U9 ‘MD’ Red team will participate in YSMHL Tier 2.All players in the U9 age group intending to play 'MD' hockey in 2022-23 MUST attend the first U9 tryout on Saturday, September 17, 1:15pm, at Magna Honda. The first three tryouts are to select the U9 'MD' White team and the final two tryouts are to select the U9 'MD' Red Team.If you have any questions regarding tryouts, please do not hesitate to reach-out to the NMHA.