Nov 24, 2016 | Sheri Sirry | 1323 views
Peewee A's take down Hockeytown USA
The Newmarket Redmen Peewee A team competed in the Peewee
AA/A Motown Cup in Detroit, MI November 4th - 6th. The boys went undefeated
beating out the Chicago Stallions A, Bowling Green Ice Cats AA, Rochester
Rattlers AA and the Downriver Otters AA team in the preliminary round. They
faced the Bowling Green Ice Cats in a spirited final and battled from a 1-0
deficit to claim a 6 to 1 victory to win the cup. A highlight of the weekend
was defeating Rochester at the Joe Louis Arena.
Congratulations to the boys, coaches and families on an
amazing weekend filled with wonderful memories and great hockey.