Newmarket Minor Hockey Association offers an excellent opportunity for both small local
businesses and larger corporate partners to gain access to families in the Newmarket
region. We are looking for an opportunity to create long term partnerships that give you
creative alternatives to market your business in the community, we aren’t simply looking
for a donation.
If you are interested in a sponsorship package that not only supports athletes in your
community but will help build your brand and bring customers to your door, please
contact Anil Rodrigues at Kidspired Media today!
Contact Information:
Anil Rodrigues
Kidspired Media
[email protected]

For past sponsors with questions or interest in sponsoring again with Newmarket Minor Hockey Association, feel free to reach out to KidSpired Media or directly to the Director of Sponsorship with NMHA - [email protected]
Thank you for all of your interest.
NOTE: Age Groups now known as (formely known as): U8 (Minor Novice), U9 (Novice), U10 (Minor Atom), U11 (Atom), U12 (Minor Peewee), U13 (Peewee), U14 (Minor Bantam), U15 (Bantam), U16 (Minor Midget), (U18 Midget), U21 (Juvenile)