Rowan's Law (Newmarket Minor Hockey)

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The Ontario Government has enacted Rowan’s Law (Concussion Safety), 2018, S.O. 2018, c. 1 (“Act”). Ontario Regulation 161/19, the Act requires all sport organizations as defined in the Regulation (“Sports Organization”), which includes the Ontario Hockey Federation (“OHF”), to have a Concussion Code of Conduct. The OHF is in full support of the intent of Rowan's Law to create awareness of concussion, change the culture on concussion and provide safe sport participation. This Concussion Code of Conduct requires all participants, as set out in the Act, to review the Ontario Government’s issued Concussion Awareness Resources on an annual basis

A participant is subject to a Concussion Code of Conduct for each Sports Organization a participant registers with.

Applicable age appropriate Concussion Awareness Resources are located at

The OHF Concussion Code of Conduct and the appropriate Concussion Awareness Resources must be reviewed before you can register/participate in the OHF.

 10 and Under Concussion Awareness Resource 

 • 11-14 Concussion Awareness Resource 

 • 15 and Over Concussion Awareness Resource


Players/Parents will be required to review the material on-line prior to being eligible to Register/participate.

The Ontario Hockey Federation has provided the following method for the Minor Hockey Association/Club/ Team to validate that the Players that Register with the Minor Hockey Association/Club/Team to have acknowledgement of the OHF Concussion Code of Conduct and the Ontario Government's Concussion Awareness Resources.

HCR Online Registration (PLAYERS)
Before reaching the payment page and checking out, participants, and his/her parent/guardian (if under the age of 18) will be asked to verify that one has reviewed the OHF Concussion Code of Conduct and the appropriate Concussion Awareness Resources by checking off the mandatory Waiver Box.


Team Officials and on ice volunteers must also complete a OHF Rowan Law Acknowledgement form which is separate from the one completed for their child.

First, visit  Once you have reviewed the material, complete the Rowan's Law Acknowledgement form online using the link below, must complete this requirement online and it is completed in the name of the team official or on ice volunteer, only check the box that is applicable to your position, either as a team official or on ice volunteer: