Organization | Oct 20, 2016 | Dan Levesque | 6242 views
House League Skill Development Programs
Every year the NMHA coordinates skill development programs for the majority of our House League Players.
This years programs will again focus on Initiation program for Tyke, Novice and Atom, General Skills for our Peewee division and Goaltending for all goalies in Novice thru Bantam.
Detailed schedules and important information will be sent to parents in the above noted divisions by your convenors/coaches very shortly.
I encourage all eligible athletes to take advantage of this additional skill development.
Initiation Program (CHIP) - Tyke/Novice/Atom - Starts Tuesday, November 1
Goaltending - Novice thru Bantam - Starts Wednesday, October 26
Peewee Skills & Drills - Starts Thursday, October 27
Watch your emails for more information.