2024-2025 Select Coaching Application (Newmarket Minor Hockey)

2024-2025 Select Coaching Application

Personal Information

Please fill out all areas

Coaching Information

Please fill out all areas

Coaching Philosophy

Please fill out any that apply


List 3 personal references that we may contact (no relatives please)

Thank you for your interest in coaching with the Newmarket Minor Hockey Association for the 2024-2025 season.  Once your application has been received and you will be contacted after our application deadline.

I understand that completing a Coaching Application with the Newmarket Minor Hockey association does not ultimately guarantee me a coaching position with the Newmarket Minor Hockey Association.

I hereby certify that the above information to be true and correct.

I authorize Newmarket Minor Hockey Association to collect personal information appropriate to the position applied for by verifying the character references I have supplied.

I also understand that in order for my application to be considered, I must submit to a criminal reference check., unless already on file with NMHA. If expired a new criminal reference check must be submitted. 

I understand that the information obtained will be confidential but may be shared with relevant organizations in order to obtain an appropriate volunteer position.