Oct 06, 2016 | kwinsor | 2552 views
NMHA Jersey Day is Oct 14th – win Marlies Tickets and other great prizes!
Wear your Redmen jersey to school day!!!!
are 1 week away until Rogers Hometown Hockey comes to Newmarket! To kick
off this exciting weekend we are holding “NMHA Jersey Day” on Friday October 14th.
Post a picture of you and your fellow Redmen wearing your Redmen Jersey at school on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook and you will be entered to win a family 4 pack of Toronto Marlies tickets and other great prizes! Snap pics in front of your school sign, in your gym or classroom or get creative! Continue to wear your Jersey throughout the weekend as we will be handing out random prizes.
Be sure to include the hashtag #NMHAjerseyday when posting your picture online and tag NMHA @NMHAhockey and Rogers Hometown Hockey @hometownhockey
We will be selecting the winner from a random draw which will be held on Saturday October 15th 2016. Contest reserved for 2016-2017 NMHA association members only.
Keep watching our website, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for more Hometown Hockey Event details as they become available!