Sep 30, 2015 | Webmaster | 1574 views
Newmarket Hockey Member Wins the MAGNA Hoedown Prospector's Raffle
"You can't win without a ticket." was her comment when we asked the Newmarket Hockey Mom, who has asked to remain anonymous, about her BIG WIN of $75,000.
The Grand Prize in the Magna Hoedown 2015 Prospector's Raffle, held Sept 12, 2015.
Our Rep teams sold Magna Hoedown raffle tickets. Selling, the most tickets overall, over 5,000 of them. The lucky winning ticket among them.
The Magna Hoedown is York Regions' largest fund raising event.
This year raising over $460,000. The proceeds from the Magna 2015 Hoedown will go to fifteen (15) charities and not-for-profit organizations in York Region. Newmarket Minor Hockey among them. Thanks to everyone who sold and purchased tickets.
NMHA member support helped make this year's Hoedown a big success. Congratulations to our big winner!!