House League Convenors required for the 2015/16 season, News (Newmarket Minor Hockey)

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Jul 14, 2015 | Dan Levesque | 6934 views
House League Convenors required for the 2015/16 season
The role of convenor is one of the most important roles in our House League divisions.  As a matter of fact, games cannot be played until a convenor is in place.  It is a rewarding and exciting volunteer position that touches all aspects of the playing experience in the Newmarket Minor Hockey Association. The NMHA is looking for Convenors for the 2015/2016 Season in the following divisions:

TYKE             MINOR BANTAM               
                       MINOR MIDGET



Summary of Duties

Convenors are expected to understand all of the duties below as well as the Coaches’ duties outlined in the NMHA Manual of Operations.  Convenors must also become very familiar with the NMHA House League Operations Manual. 

The primary duty of the Convenor is to manage the day to day administration, information, activities of the players, teams and coaches within a specific division.

Except for game matters, which are within the purview of the Referee, the Convenor shall in general have control over all games in his/her division. Where the Convenor finds that the NMHA Rules, Regulations, By-Laws or Policies are being breached, he/she shall immediately warn the offending parties, and in extreme circumstances may eject any coaching staff or player where the Convenor feels that there is a risk of injury to any person, or where the party warned has flagrantly disregarded the warning, or where the interest of the NMHA can only be served by an ejection. In very extreme circumstances, where the Convenor feels that an injury is likely to occur if the game is allowed to continue, the Convenor may halt the game. Should the Convenor have to take any disciplinary action beyond a warning, he shall provide to the Alternate Vice-President of House League a written report as to the circumstances surrounding the game and his or her actions.

Specific Duties:

    1. Coordinate the schedule for all the division’s games and practice ice times
    2. Ensure that all coaches and trainers and other Team Officials meet eligibility requirements for their positions in the respective division, and each team, at a minimum, have one certified coach and one certified trainer

    3. Attend all  division games or ensure appropriate representation as approved by the Alternate Vice-President of House League

    4. Maintain and report all player and team statistics via the electronic gamesheet system being utilized.

    5. Organize, facilitate and participate in the annual divisional player/team drafts and subsequent balancing of teams

    6. Act as a liaison between the NMHA & their respective divisions, including communication with Coaches, parents, etc.

    7. Provide NMHA with information regarding players, coaches and teams

    8. Ensure any player/coach suspensions are reported, served and accurately recorded on the electronic gamesheet.  This includes notifying coaches of suspensions prior to the next game being played.

    9. Understand the rules of the NMHA & OMHA

    10. Ensure that the spirit and intent of the NMHA constitution is followed.

    11. Ensure all games commence and end on time where possible.

    12. Report any serious breach of the rules, regulations, bylaws or policies to the respective Alternate Vice-President of House League.

    13. Report the circumstances surrounding, and recommend the need for, any disciplinary action as a result of events in his/her division, to the respective Alternate Vice-President of House League as soon possible.

    14. Provide the respective Alternate Vice-President of House League with a written incident report when requested.

    15. Ensure that Referees and timekeepers are on hand prior to the start of each game and to report to the Referee-in-Chief or Referee Scheduler when referees do not show up, or are late.

    16. Partner with the coaches to arrange timekeepers for games, either through student volunteers or coach-selected parent volunteers

    17. Ensure that all data on the electronic gamesheets are accurate (before and after each game) and uploaded/posted correctly to the NMHA Statistics website page.

    18. Responsible for ensuring end of year ratings are collected and submitted to the NMHA office

    19. Ensure that referees for the game are present.

    20. Ensure that games start on time. Games running late are subject to curfew.

    21. Ensure that all players are wearing the assigned league sweaters and socks. Any player not wearing the league supplied sweater and socks may be removed from the ice until approved sweater and socks are worn.

    22. Ensuring that any equipment loaned to teams is returned to the NMHA at the end of the season.


    1. The position of Convenor is an administrative position requiring general administrative and organizational skills. You do not need to be a hockey expert.

    2. Convenors require Police Vulnerable Sector Check (PVSC) through the York Regional Police (previously Police Screening / VSS)

    3. Convenors require Speak Out (PRS) or Respect in Sport certification through the OMHA

    4. Convenors will require the use of a computer to fulfill their duties

    5. Good working knowledge of Microsoft Excel and gamesheet software

    6. Attend any training necessary to fulfill the duties of convenor (i.e. electronic gamesheet software)


    If you are interested in being a convenor or have further questions about the role, please contact the following:

    Lynda Carusi                        Alternate Vice-President Junior Divisions (Tyke – Atom)

                                               [email protected]     

    Dan Levesque                       Alternate Vice-President Senior Divisions (Minor PW – Midget/Juvenile)

                h[email protected]
