NMHA Select Tryouts and Coach Applications, News (Newmarket Minor Hockey)

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Sep 27, 2021 | Chris Neale | 1028 views
NMHA Select Tryouts and Coach Applications

The NMHA will be holding Select tryouts on October 16th and 17th, 2021 (Time TBD) for the following age groups.

- U10/11 Select (Birth years 2012 & 2011)
- U12/13 Select (Birth years 2010 & 2009)
- U14/15 Select (Birth years 2008 & 2007)

Select tryouts will cost $15.

**IMPORTANT**If you tried out for MD you are still REQUIRED to register for Select tryouts however you do not need to complete the payment process. You will already be considered paid as part of your try out passport.

If you are interested in trying out for a Select Hockey Team please complete the 2021 Select Tryout Passport Registration Form. You can access the form by clicking the following link:


or on the NMHA website (www.nmha.ca) under the Select tab.

Registration for Select hockey will close on October 6th, 2021 at 7:00 am. 

A player selection committee will be made up of NMHA coaches and other NMHA members that are independent of the teams trying out. Teams will be picked by October 17th. 


If you are interested in coaching a Select Hockey Team please complete the 2021 Select Coaching Application. You can access the Coaching Application by clicking the following link: 


or on the NMHA website (www.nmha.ca) under the Select tab. 

Coaching interviews will be conducted during the week of October 11th - 15th. Applicants will have until October 6th, 2021 at 7:00 am to complete and submit their application. 

A coach selection committee will be interviewing and selecting the coaches for each Select team. 

Joey Wilson
Vice-President - House League
