Hello Renegade Families,
As previously communicated back in April the NMHA and our Renegade players and families have a long tradition of giving back to our community locally and around the world.
Each year many of our team families participate in various important community initiatives.
With that in mind the York Simcoe Express Community Relations Committee is holding the
First Nations Equipment Drive and partnering with member organizations for this very worthwhile cause.
The is a 'Drive-By' event and will be held in the south parking lot at The Magna Centre.
The dates and times are as follows:
September 10 & 11 from 10am thru 2pm
September 18 & 19 from 10am thru 2pm.
Equipment Needed:(Please note we can not accept any Jerseys, Socks, Jocks, Jills - any clothing of any kind)
- Sticks
- Shoulder Pads
- Hockey Pants
- Skates
- Elbow Pads
- Gloves
- Shin Pads
- Helmets
- Goalie Pads
Graham McWaters, who founded the 1st Nations Hockey Equipment Drive, is thrilled to be joining us in this event.
Please check out their website https://fnhed.theiropportunity.com/ to see how incredible this organization is.
The First Nation communities and their youth will benefit greatly from our collective efforts.
Please see attached flyer for this event to share with family, friends and on social media or email.
Thanking you in advance for your support with these two community causes.
NMHA Executive