RENEGADES ARE GOING BACK ON THE ICE!!, News (Newmarket Minor Hockey)

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Feb 24, 2021 | Chris Neale | 1186 views
Hello Renegade Families!!  

We are excited to announce on ice programming will begin tomorrow, Thursday, February 25th! 

Currently there are two ice pads available with ice going in on a 3rd pad next week and a fourth pad becoming available on March 8th. Because of limited ice availability to start, age groups who received less ice time to date will be starting first with a staggered start. The full association scheduling will be starting March 8th.

As a reminder, the return to the rink requires that previous COVID-19 protocols are observed, including: 

- Conduct a health screening on the day of activity for everyone entering  the facility as well as attendance tracking
- The maximum number of occupants on the ice is 13 (A maximum of 10  athletes & a maximum combination of 3 coaches or trainers)
- In order to limit unnecessary gathering and to maintain physical  distancing, we ask that guardians remaining within the arena are limited  to the U11 and under age groups only.
- For Trainers of groups older than U11, that prefer not to skate, they  may remain in the facility and off ice, by the player bench
- When a coach or trainer is a parent of a skater, this does not permit  another family member to utilize the off-ice guardian space.
- Siblings are NOT to be brought into the arena.
- Games of any type, including scrimmages cannot take place. 

Your coach will be in contact with you regarding your start date in the very near future with schedules and necessary Covid-19 protocols that must be followed. 

Thank you to the Town of Newmarket and our Ice Scheduler, Frances Mckeon for all their efforts in making this happen. 

Thank you to all our Renegade families for your patience and we look forward to seeing the kids back on the ice! 

NMHA Executive