Nov 18, 2020 | Lynda Carusi | 818 views
UPDATES - Guardians During Control (Red) Stage
York Region Public Health has provided clarity on the ice occupancy and a guardian remaining inside:
The maximum occupancy on-ice of 10 includes coaches/trainers
One guardian per player CAN stay within the facility during training time
We ask that groups limit guardians that stay inside only for participants aged 10 and under (U11)
Physical Distancing of 3 metres must be observed (increased from 2 metres). You will see a greater distance between the prep chairs.
o Guardians who remain on site will also need to observe the 3 metre spacing.
All Guardians must wear a mask and STAND in the designated areas.
A few operational updates as well: ·
Participants who wear hockey equipment may choose to arrive and exit in partial equipment (E.g. “bottom half”) to allow for winter jackets to be worn.
With that, we ask that everyone remains cognizant of the existing time constraints – 15 minutes on the way in and 10 minutes on the way out - and to be mindful that personal privacy will continue to be limited. This doesn't mean that participants can undress to a point beyond public decency. ·
Participants should refrain from chewing gum, spitting or spraying water, as these activities can increase risk of exposure to personal fluids. ·
Participants (especially coaches) must put their mask/face covering on as soon as they leave the ice surface. o They should also avoid having face to face conversations prior to wearing a facemask. ·
Not all neck gaiters are made equally. For this reason it is recommended that anyone wearing a neck gaiter should fold it over twice, to provide additional layers of face covering.