COACH CERTIFICATES EXPIRE AUG 31/20, News (Newmarket Minor Hockey)

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Aug 12, 2020 | Lynda Carusi | 881 views
This is a note for all of our NMHA coaches. Please check to see if your coaching certificate is going to expire. You only have a couple of weeks left to update.

The OMHA has been taking steps to identify qualification maintenance opportunities for those coaches whose qualifications expire on August 31st, 2020 that can be completed by maintaining social distancing.

The communications below was sent to OMHA coaches on March 7th with the goal of identifying their options for renewal and maintenance.  Depending on the coach’s current qualification status they would have received one of the following communications:
Coach 2 Trained 
Coach 2 Certified
Development 1 Trained 
Development 1 Certified Development 1 Certified Legacy 

Coaches can complete these modules through their Locker profile and earn Professional Development (PD) points towards the renewal of their Certified qualification.  

The chart below identifies the courses available, length of each course, PD points offered and cost:
NCCP Sport Nutrition -   40-60 Minutes,   PD Points 5 ,      $20.00
NCCP Coach Initiation in Sport -  60 Minutes ,   PD Points 5   ,   $15.00
NCCP Coaching Athletes with a Disability  - 45-60 Minutes,   PD Points 5 ,    $15.00
NCCP Making Head Way in Sport -    60-90 Minutes    PD Points 5  ,  FREE
NCCP Emergency Action Plan   -  15 Minutes  PD Points 1 ,     FREE
NCCP Safe Sport   -  90 Minutes  PD Points 2  , FREE

Finally, Coaches can also use the “Self Report” function through their Locker profile to report Active Years of Coaching and Self-Directed Learning (read a book, watch a video etc.). A coach can receive 5 PD points (1/year) for being active as a coach and an additional 3 PD points for reporting self-directed learning
.If you have any questions, please reach out to the OMHA Development department.