I hope that this message finds you and your family safe and healthy. First and foremost, the NMHA is dedicated to ensuring the safety and health of all our participants. Accordingly, we are following the directives and guidelines established by Hockey Canada, as it applies to Return To Hockey (RTH).I would like to thank the many that have responded to our Covid-19 Return to Play Survey.
The information that you are providing will help us prepare our Association when hockey returns, to a safe environment for all involved. We will be passing your ideas onto our governing hockey bodies and our Town as recommendations.
We will be reading all submissions and will comprise a list of FAQ from the survey along with answers to the best of our ability.
I would like to encourage those that haven't registered as of yet to do so, as we are continuing to plan our season with a September start. Numbers are vital when making these plans. When we are aware of how we are to proceed the executive will work on the budget and registration fees.
Hockey Canada, OHF and OMHA are working on what next season will look like as we go through this pandemic.
When the guidelines are issued we will share it with the membership.
We will continue to post information that is pertinent to our association, whether its return to play framework or facility updates.
In addition to the RTH - Safety Guidelines, Hockey Canada is preparing a document, specifically for all coaches and age groups, with suggestions for on ice setups and stations.
The ice setups / stations are designed to be used with any age of athlete and can accommodate varying numbers of players based on what Provincial / Local Public Health Authorities allow as far as numbers. As well, ice sessions will be created with videos, as featured on the Hockey Canada Network App. The Skill Sequences will be put together based on age so there will be a variety of options for coaches / instructors to use.
This document is entitled Return to Hockey - Return to Ice. Once completed, It will be forwarded to all coaches, in an effort to not only respect social distancing and safety of our athletes, but to also enhance the learning environment.