Apr 12, 2020 | Lynda Carusi | 1282 views
With the abrupt cancellation of hockey the OMHA faced a difficult situation and decision as to how to declare a OMHA Champion for the 2020 season.
To make the most out of the situation the OMHA will be awarding the title of Co-Champions and presenting the coveted #RedHats to all of the teams that reached the Finals.
“Our goal is to be positive and proactive in a trying environment by rewarding the players and teams who deservedly made it that far through the highly competitive Playdowns,” says Ian Taylor, OMHA Executive Director. “It’s a simple gesture, but hopefully a meaningful one, as well.” “Teams should take pride in reaching this mark and for everything they accomplished this season.” All Co-Champions will be recognized on the OMHA website and added to our Champions database.
This is also special for the NMHA as this will be the last time a "Redmen" team has won the OMHA Championship.
I would like to thank the players, coaches, and parents from the Atom AE and Midget AA teams for their hard work and dedication to the NMHA and the game we all love. Here's hoping that we hit the ice soon.
Lynda Carusi