NMHA Select Tryouts and Coach Selections, News (Newmarket Minor Hockey)

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Aug 28, 2019 | Matthew Longland | 1346 views
NMHA Select Tryouts and Coach Selections
Select try outs this year will be on September 7th from 7:15am to 1:15pm at Magna Pfaff and September 8th from 8:30am to 12:30pm at Magna Hyundai.  Tryouts will cost $15/try out (if the player makes it to the second day, it’s another $15 – this is to cover the cost of the ice).  If you tried out for bantam MD, you will be considered paid as part of the try out passport.  Cuts will be made on both days.

Coaching interviews will be conducted next week September 4th and 5th at the NMHA hockey office.  Emails will be going out to August 29th to coaches that have been selected for an interview.

An interview committee will select top 3 candidates for the position and based on player selections we will offer the position to the top available candidate on the last day of try outs. The committee may also recommend assistant coaches as well.

The player selection committee will be made up of rep coaches and other NMHA members that are independent of the teams trying out.  Teams will be picked on the 9th and then move to the NMHA offices where sizing and equipment will be done with Ultimate Sports – our equipment providers. 

A bulk email will be sent from the NMHA email address to all registered members the week before reminding parents and players of the tryouts. 

** Please Note - Rowan's Law**

Before any player will be allowed on the ice, the Rowan's law form must be signed by the player and parent.  This will be provided at sign in time and must be reviewed and signed before the player will be allowed on the ice - no exceptions to this will be given (so parents please attend during the first sign in).

Link to this can be found on the NMHA website at: NMHA - Rowan's Law

First select practice will be September 14th and the house league pre-season starts September 21st for most age groups!

Division  September 7th @ Pfaff September 8th @ Scotiabank
 Minor Novice Select 7:15am - 8:45am 10:30am - 12:00pm
Atom Rostered Select 8:45am - 10:15am 12:00pm - 1:30pm
Peewee Rostered Select 10:15am - 11:45am 1:30pm - 3:00pm
Bantam Rostered Select 11:45am - 1:15pm 3:00pm - 4:30pm

Teams will be selected at the end of the second practice and then meet the coach in the NMHA board room.

Good luck this year.  

Matthew Longland
VP - House League
Newmarket Minor Hockey Association
