The coach application form has been enabled for the Select coach applications for the 2019-20 season. At this time we are taking coaching applications for Minor Novice, Atom RS, Peewee RS and Bantam RS. To be considered for the role, you must apply, but application does not guarantee an interview. Deadline date to submit is Friday August 23 2019.
We are also looking for Conveners in some divisions. This is a volunteer role that is required in order for the divisions to start. Role includes coach assignments, managing the draft and setting up the schedules for the division. Without these roles filled, we cannot move forward with the division.
We are also looking for volunteer time keepers for atom through bantam HL. This is not a paid position, but is required to move into the paid positions for Minor Midget and Midget/Juvenile. High school students can use these hours for their community service hours.
Conveners please reach out to me at
[email protected] if you would like to talk about this role. Timekeepers, please email me your name, hours of availability, and if you have ever done time keeping previously, and I will connect you with the conveners of those divisions.
Matthew Longland
Newmarket Minor Hockey Association