Appointment of New Treasurer, News (Newmarket Minor Hockey)

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May 11, 2017 | John Hartley | 1536 views
Appointment of New Treasurer
The NMHA Executive is pleased to announce the following appointment:

Robert Cecutti – Treasurer

Rob has been very involved with the NMHA as a head coach at both the House league and rep levels, and has been a very valuable member of our organisation for several years.

Rob has been employed with Magna international for over 15 years and currently holds the position of Controller.

He holds a Bachelor of Science (BSc.) Degree from Western university, a Masters of Business Administration (MBA) Degree from University of Toronto, and is a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA).

We are excited to have Rob join the team and look forward to the contributions he will make, and many thanks for his willingness to step forward and volunteer his time to help make the NMHA the best Association it can be for the benefit of all our Members.